• 5 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • So… “everyone bad” and so on. Well. No

    WS/64: Gaff 50, Deni 115, Tyus 137, Kuz 173, Poole 198

    BPM: Kuz 103, Deni 113, Gaff 116, Tyus 142, Poole 197

    VORP: Kuz 104, Deni 123, Gaff 126, Tyus 167, Poole 491

    WS: Gaff 84, Deni 119, Tyus 152, Kuz 221, Poole 491

    eFG%: Gaff 2, Deni 34, Kuz 61, Tyus 75, Poole 139

    TS%: Gaff 4, Deni 51, Kuz 120, Tyus 129, Poole 181

    PER: Kuz 45, Gaff 47, Deni 83, Tyus 106, Poole 178

    All Wizards players have bad BPM, some players are relatively bad in some metrics, but none of them in worst 10% in any, and same player have good results in others … except Poole which is bottom 10% consistently in each and every category

  • Well… it’s tempting to say Poole, Poole & Poole

    But well it’s not only Poole.

    1. Yes. Poole - supposed to be tank commander not really good enough for top-2 option role, but sadly he is not just not good enough but really pathetic

    2. Defensive rebound. Supposed to be bad, but it is historically bad

    3. Development of young players. Supposed to be the year to get them experience, but team plays instead vets which don’t have much trade value anyway. And Poole shouldn’t get green light to chuck 26 shots