Look I don’t agree with what he said and I don’t condone it but I understand.

If anyone of you guys were super passionate about something you believe you’re good at and you make a mistake and someone post that mistake with something like “Yikes” that can really piss you off. I’m sure Jamal is as mad at himself about that touchdown as anyone of us if not more.

It’s understandable to get un reasonably upset about something you’re passionate about and tbh it’s kind of a good thing he’s obviously upset about that touchdown.

Now if the dude on twitter said anything constructive or intelligent other than just saying “Yikes” I’d see it as going overboard.

  • _HGCentyB
    10 months ago

    God knows I’ve defended Jamal and the trade and said that the injuries are bad luck and shouldn’t be blamed on him but…

    Jamal needs to own this mistake, apologise and get the hell off social media. He’s clearly not got thick enough skin to deal with the fairly low level shittalking that happens.

    The NFL, especially the media landscape is a fairly forgiving environment if you’re winning and at least have an air of civility in your public interactions.

    Sherman’s moved on past all his outbursts and that incident with his in laws and is on TNF, Undisputed and has a podcast. Jamal needs to use this as a serious learning incident and learn to not respond to every jibe and realise that he has to let his on field performance do the talking and by that, he has to execute better.