I love the story and lore of Dragon Age Origins. I got the game when it was released and just the soundtrack makes me feel oddly nostalgic although I’ve barely played the game, mostly just read about it and watched videos.

It’s so weird because I’m a huge Bioware nerd and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t like this game but I just don’t… I’ve played every single origin story but as soon as it gets past that I somehow lose interest. I’ve tried getting into it a million times but it’s just not fun.

  • earwig20B
    11 months ago

    Hitman. It’s a beautifully put together puzzle game with brilliant social stealth aspects. Not to mention it can be quite funny.

    The gameplay just doesn’t click for me. I enjoy Dishonoured-style stealth but not this.

    Nevertheless I appreciate the package they’ve put together.