This isn’t something many considered coming into the season because almost everyone (rightfully) pencilled Max in as the backup 2. There was virtually no question about the “battle” between him and Cam, as he’s a significantly better 3 point shooter, and a better defender.

Unfortunately, we’re being coached by fucking idiot, so Max is getting DNPCDs. Considering his age and what he’s shown thus far, he is far and away our best trade asset outside of Austin.

We are currently in absolute win now mode, and that means using the tools and assets you have to construct a rotation capable of winning a championship. I have little doubt that Max can contribute at the very least in the regular season towards us winning, but since Ham doesn’t understand lineups or Xs and Os in any capacity, we need to look at Max’s value not as a player, but as an asset.

Letting him rot on the bench does absolutely nothing for us. It doesn’t develop him, it doesn’t give him a chance to show what he can do, and it sure as hell isn’t helping us win. If Ham is serious about not playing him, then let’s package him with someone after December 15th and get back someone who WILL get played and WILL be impactful.

Again, my preference would simply be to start playing him, but if that’s not gonna happen, then we need to think about what we’re actually doing here.

  • LudwigNascheB
    11 months ago

    No young player should get minutes just because … young fans want to have a player to relate on the floor.

    Max is younger than many rookies, he is going to see minutes when he is ready. Telling he is the best shooter, defender or blabla means nothing because he didn’t do that at the highest level, Summer League isn’t NBA game, if the player didn’t have 30+ pts games in summer league completely dominating I’m not expecting minutes as “default”.

  • BobFranciscoB
    11 months ago

    I feel like unless you have coached before, maybe you should stop talking about absolutes in the arena of facilitating a rotation of professional athletes.

    That is just my view tho. You know not flapping on the internet. Bro if you are going to hate at least be creative and don’t sell some myth that YOU know what you are talking about. FFS