Dancing the cha cha to an altered shot.
Dancing the cha cha to an altered shot.
You would think that these dudes had lost fans CC info with the vitriol, hah.
In general I like to point out the absurdity of getting mad at someone else whilst watching them doing their job.
I am going to give a shout out to Ron the pandas friend mettaworldpeace Artest, though.
I don’t really but that not a superstar shit. Man is a baller.
League lining up to get Arkan-Sawed.
They are changing all the courts but not addressing terrible officiating. Classic misdirection. I will watch more games if officiating isn’t (as said by players, fans AND coaches,) completely inconsistent.).
I wouldn’t be surprised if I get banned for this, Censorship on this site happens when people wanna squash your opinion.
“Welcome my son, welcome - to the machine.”
What’s state farms knee policy?
This dudes fast!
The whole bench his ass bit sounds like a rap chorus
“they forgot my name….”. looks at check, shrugs
I’m so tired of fans. Myself especially.
look what you have in turn done to our brains
🦓, lol is this a thing or did OP coin it?
Awesome username.
This man’s heart must have Hardened.
I feel like unless you have coached before, maybe you should stop talking about absolutes in the arena of facilitating a rotation of professional athletes.
That is just my view tho. You know not flapping on the internet. Bro if you are going to hate at least be creative and don’t sell some myth that YOU know what you are talking about. FFS
The rad and awful thing about the future is it is the future.
austin’s back to back threes, Austin’s back to back threese (w/ arkansauce)