To be clear, this is not me panicking over our start. It’s early in the season, I am not even remotely concerned. This also isn’t about Taurean Prince, who is actually playing quite well and who I’ve been pleasantly surprised by.

No. It’s just becoming clearer and clearer that the narrative about C. Wood is all wrong. Guy has been playing solid defense, hustling well, and most importantly, he and AD look absolutely terrifying when out there together.

If he’s going to compliment our best player like this, I think it’s something we should at least try at some point. I love watching them out there together

  • CultExterminatorB
    11 months ago

    Him and AD are just an excellent fit. It would suck to move Prince to the bench though. Ideally you could play him at the 3. Maybe slot LeBron at point?

    Starters: LeBron/D’lo/Prince/AD/Wood

    Bench: Reaves/Vincent/Rui/Vando/Hayes

  • axle_gallardoB
    11 months ago

    Starting 5

    Center: Wood: 32 mins

    Power Forward: AD - 32 mins

    Small Forward: Vando - 32 mins

    Shooting Guard: AR - 32 mins

    Point Guard: Lebron - 32 mins


    Rui - 32 mins

    DLO - 32 mins

    Prince - 16 mins


    At the 4:00-minute mark of the first quarter, sub out AD, Bron, and Vando for Rui, DLO, and Prince.

    From the 4:00-minute mark of the first quarter to the 8:00-minute mark of the 2nd quarter (total of 8:00 Minutes), the players on the court will be this:

    Center: Wood

    Power Forward: Rui

    Small Forward: Prince

    Shooting Guard: AR

    Point Guard: DLO

    At the 8:00-minute mark of the 2nd quarter, sub out Wood, AR, and Prince for AD, LeBron, and Vando.

    From the 8:00-minute mark until the end of the 2nd quarter (total of 8:00 Minutes), the players on the court will be this:

    Center: AD

    Power Forward: Vando

    Small Forward: Rui

    Shooting Guard: DLO

    Point Guard: LeBron

    Repeat this rotation in the 2nd half.

  • Js_On_My_YeetB
    11 months ago

    Christian and Prince really the only ones who have been making an impact on our team out of the new pieces. Gabe actually played much better against Orlando; more controlled and finally got a 3pt. Hopefully he improves from there. But Cam should not be out there. Sure, he played some defense, but he is legit a liability on offense. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt in the preseason, but he has not been showing promise. And AR is in some sort of funk right now. Might be tired from FIBA or just out of his groove right now. Hopefully he doesn’t fall off, because he was a huge part of why we made it as far as we did last season. Bron still Bron and AD is starting to ramp it up it seems like. D’Lo is playing well, but he has been kinda careless with the ball sometimes. Overall, I think this team is still trying to figure out the chemistry, but I don’t think they are bad at all (besides Cam). I think Darvin needs to stop being a player’s coach and start making serious decisions/rotations if he wants to win. The big line up with AD/Wood/Bron should be implemented into the starting line up. Also #FreeBabyKobe. Like just 10 minutes of actual playing time.