Twitch Updated their Sexual Content Policy:
- Changes: Certain content now allowed with labels
- Artistic Nudity: Permitted under Sexual Themes Label
- Game Nudity: Contextual; labels necessary
- Body Painting: Acceptable with appropriate label
- Mature Games: Label generally covers content
- Stream Visibility: Impacted by content labels
- Twerking, grinding and pole dancing are now allowed without a label.
The only thing that really bothers me is that the porn get shoved on the front page.
I wanna open Twitch on my living room TV to watch SC2 and tiveux something is painting her tits on my screen already.
From what I understand, this change will disallow any stream with these tags showing up on the front page. Though, I believe this will still be at the top of the “just chatting” category, so really it’s the same problem.
This for me is the main issue
Just stop watching shit twitch streams like a 10yo
peak reading comprehension
What is there to comprehend? Linkerbaan said they want to watch Twitch but without feeling awkward seeing a bunch of titty girls on their living room TV. Dkarma’s solution is to advise them to stop watching Twitch. It’s not my advice, but the A to B logic is sound.
“shit twitch streams” means they think there are good streams.
The advice isnt abandon twitch. They think the only way boobi streams are on the home page is if the algorithm thinks you watch them.
Which isnt how it works, as streams tagged as boobi wont appear unsearched on the front page according to twitch, algorithm or no algorithm.
They said twitch streams which implies a specific sense, not Twitch in a general sense
Just stop
watching shitusing twitchstreams like a 10yobecause it’s trash software and always has been.FTFY
Nice cool where do I find footage of my competitive game? YouTube?
Yep! Youtube is a great resource for finding footage of competitive games!
Oh great I’ll just switch to the other monopoly, that fixes this! (It doesn’t)
It’s a great platform, the world let’s you watch whatever trash you love so let other people enjoy what they love
Stop watch porn like 10yo and go find a wife!
Yeah just tie down a poor girl and entangle your finances and entire futures just so you can get off, what can go wrong
Only people over eighteen can see porn online.
Also porn is much cheaper than a wife.