I’m thinking Mikal Bridges for Tobias, the 2 firsts, 2 seconds, pick swap they got for James aswell as another first of their own. Brooklyn have given the keys to Cam Thomas and they don’t look that good anyways. Bridges isn’t worth more than 3 firsts max and Brooklyn should be trying to rebuild so those 3 picks can help them do that. Additionally Tobias has been such a net negative for the Sixers so moving him also improves them.

Think Mikal is what the Sixers need. A 3&D wing that can guard teams best players and play defense. Bridges is much better to go for than Zach LaVine as LaVine is just a bigger, more injury prone version of Maxey so they don’t really compliment eachother. Plus he’s a 2nd/3rd option on a chip team so it gives Embiid someone in addition to Maxey that can help them compete for a chip.