Sorry if this has been answered somewhere, but I saw the presser after the game and Ron mentions NY called it a drop after it was originally ruled a catch.

Is this typical? In my decades of watching the NFL I was always under the impression it was called by refs on the field and only goes to NY if under 2min.

Also, by the same logic, why wasn’t the incorrectly called catch by the eagles earlier in the game (that Ron should have thrown challenge flag for) wasn’t called in by NY in the same fashion as that was blatantly a drop.

  • HantsypantsyB
    1 year ago

    Kind of an intersting site, I didn’t know it existed:

    From what I can see, a replay can only be initiated by the red flag, inside of 2 mins or any score/turnover. What’s crazy to me is that they didn’t say it was changed after review, they just said it was called incomplete on the field which is complete BS, it was called a reception then NY changed the “call on the field.” Not enough evidence to overturn the call on the field whether they called a reception or incompletion.

  • naskai8117B
    1 year ago

    This is a major issue that people are not talking about enough. No one is giving explanations for it. It feels like the league is trying to keep it under wraps.

    If NY is going to be involved in a game, it needs to do it consistently and not just at its whim to impact games.