I have a question to ask all the doomers in this sub.

When has tanking ever, even once, led to continued success. Hell, when has it resulted in even momentary success.

What have the 76ers accomplished since the process?

What did the colts do in the Luck era?

Why would any competent, intelligent sports club ever start fucking tanking.

Good teams don’t care where they draft, because good teams can develop and scout talent.

What guarantees having a higher draft pick QB will be better? The data doesn’t agree.

Another thing. The season is far from over. We have an incredibly easy schedule, we have a great Oline, incredible weapons, the defense is improving every week. This is a good football team.

Jaren hall has 4 games against the NFLs bottom feeders. He’ll be given every opportunity to prove himself. By extension, Kevin O’Connell will as well.

This is all without mentioning the 3rd wild card spot exists, that spot is going to us, the saints, or falcons.

  • bigbobbarker111OPB
    11 months ago

    dense motherfuckers who don’t know how to read say some dumbass shit

    “gee golly why isn’t this guy playing along for these losers” I wonder why mate, I wonder why. Lmao enjoy being a worthless doomer I guess see you in the playoffs .