Does anyone else feel like there’s tension between jimmy and the heat? The heat are pretty good at keeping these things quiet but something feels off. Jimmy’s not gonna come out and say anything but he can’t be happy with the organization for not getting him more help year after year. I saw some things last year about some players being frustrated with the front office and wanted to prove to them that this group was worth going all in with. I believe that drive to prove the front office wrong was what caused the crazy post season run. I don’t think our own front office ever believed Jimmy could be a number one which is why they’re reluctant to spend money and fortify the roster around him. I don’t think we’ll see playoff jimmy this year tbh and I don’t blame him for maybe throwing in the towel after coming so close and falling short every time. I think unfortunately this may get ugly

  • Innsmouth_Swim_TeamB
    11 months ago

    I would just like to say that I don’t like the fact that we’re not allowed to use the R word anymore. I would never use it about a person with an actual disability. I WOULD use it about OP.