So Kelce goes out Friday night to the World Series game 1 in Texas, then goes bar hopping and gets wasted. Then hops on a plane to Denver and a day later has a horrendous game against one of the worst teams in the league. It’s a bad look my man. A very bad look

Between the partying, the TV shows, the commercials, the podcasts, flying around the country to baseball games mid week and the Taylor Swift thing…Our boy might be too concerned with being a celebrity and losing focus on football. He’s also having by far the worst year of his career (only 2 games over 70 yards receiving this season)

You can look the other way at the off the field nonsense when he was producing but when the production starts to drop, it becomes an issue. Partying in bars late Friday night, then playing like shit 36 hours later is a very bad look. For any player

  • VyuvaraxB
    11 months ago

    Kelce, the top rated skill position player on offense and most productive catcher in the game vs Denver, that Kelce? Lol okay, Karron.