Since everyone else is ranting today, I’ll just slip this in here: this month really was haunted.

Coming in to October we were 2-1, and everyone on this sub was happy and getting along. But then:

10/1: Commanders 31, Eagles 34 (L)

10/5: Commanders 20, Bears 40 (L)

10/15: Commanders 24, Falcons 16 (W)

10/22: Commanders 7, Giants 14 (L)

10/29: Commanders 31, Eagles 38 (L)

All of this culminated in the trades that took place today (10/31). What a hauntingly shitty month.

While we can all hope for a better future for this team (please god), I’m going to take a tiny bit of inspiration from the past as well. It was at this time last year (11/2 to be exact) when news broke that Snyder had hired BOA to explore a sale. I outlasted that POS; I can be patient for what comes next.

On to November.

Edit: formatting

  • guardiandown3885B
    11 months ago

    It’s only haunting if you were expecting more from this team. Ron has shown nothing during his tenure that this team could be consistent enough to do anything to win a division or a make it to the post season and win a game…first year we went in with a losing record…EVERYONE was bad…we were the tallest of midgets…

    As fans I believe our focus should’ve have shifted to this season being…can howell play? I personally think the answer is yes…imagine if the defense could’ve stopped the eagles just one time on Sunday when it mattered…

    Does Sam have to improve absolutely. Does he have to get rid of ball quicker yes…Does OL need to get better yes…all of those are true…but personally im giving some slack to The qb playing in his 7th or 8th game and not the defense that’s has the 4 first rounders on the line that’s ranked like 29th…some of that is on players (guys freelancing) majority of that is on JDR…

    This season has been exactly what I was expecting…

    Very surprised about Sam howell tbough…