Hello! I am pretty new to EVs and have been considering upgrading from a very old Honda Accord to an EV or a Hybrid.

I’ve looked into both types of cars very much, and from what I can find, major advantages of both seem to be as follows.


  • Lower cost overall for fuel (EVs seem able to have <50% the cost of hybrids)
  • Fewer moving parts in engine so less routine maintenance needed overall
  • Environmentally optimal


  • Fuel more readily accessible (I seem to see no end to complaints from Non-Tesla owners of EA charging woes)
  • Repairs are cheaper due to newness of many EVs
  • Vehicles cheaper overall (unless factoring in Model3 with Rebate)

My priorities might be a little different from most people. To me, a car is truly just a tool to get from Point A to Point B. Things I care about are fuel efficiency, overall cost-savings, quiet driving, and most of all, reliability (I.e. I want to spend as little time with my car in the shop as possible). This also means many things like acceleration, car handling, auto-driving, etc. are not very appealing to me.

Given this, are there any major advantages still held by EVs over Hybrids for me? Many associates have tried to convince me to get an EV, but I have pretty significant worries about the technology being constantly evolving.

Thank you for any advice you might have!