I have one genuine question. Is it a good idea for new players, that have zero knowledge about League of Legends, to play the game? Because I’m one of those players. I’ve been thinking about playing the game even though I knew that the game was very complex and overwhelming for new players like me. It takes a lot of time to improve, understand, and get good at League for you to actually enjoy playing the game. I’m also aware that the community is pretty toxic. At least most of the community are. Because that’s what is always being depicted in the media. I’ve also heard that in low ranks, there are a lot of high rank players that creates their smurf account and dominates and destroys the low rank players, ruining their fun and motivation to continue playing the game. That’s why I’ve been thinking twice about playing the game. Do you guys have any tips to improve or have any idea whether playing the game as a complete beginner is a good idea or not? Thanks for reading!

  • SvckMyGvcciB
    11 months ago

    A friend of mine started playing League a month ago, I suddenly took him in game and teached him the basics (me with a fresh account, I’m sorry but smurfing is good for our mental, it gives you relief from your main games).

    I have to say that he improved a lot: he knows farming is important, as well as warding, how to gank, when to call drakes/baron and when not.

    Ofc he’s not fast in these things, but he gets them, you just need to play in order to make your thinking and action faster.

    He doesn’t know counters, make a consistent build and a good money management; still struggle to engage hard fights and focussing the focus (?).

    All of this to say that, imo, he would have never ever reached all of this in one month (playin a couple games 3/4 times a week) if he hadn’t me to “coach” him. So my advice is: if you know someone that already plays the game, play with him, even if he’s a low rank player, he should know at least the very basics.

    Community is toxic but it’s kinda accetable now, I remember back in the days it was a pain. Reports are much more efficient, but the punishment is still dumb.

  • chromatique87B
    11 months ago

    It depends on your goal within the game.
    I saw people in 6 months getting diamond, I saw people in 9 years still being silver 4 playing 100s of games each season.

    It will come to you. Community is indeed toxic, but if you are 6-0 you are not getting flamed, if you are 0-6 it might happen.

    In the other hand once you start to be ‘better’ and be 6-0 you might become the toxic one. It’s a vicious circle.

    As new player, to improve the first things you need to do:

    1. Find a role you want to play and stick with that
    2. Find a champions pool you like
    3. Find your main

    From there once this is settled, next step is:

    1. Learning to farm and increase your CS
    2. Working on dodging skillshot and hitting skillshot

    The game is complex, but if you stick with this, you definitely should have fun in the beginning.

    you might encounter some smurfs, whether in your team or enemy team, but to be fair it’s not a game breaking (Mostly are plat/emerald with big ego and nothing much)

  • coldman18B
    11 months ago

    I started league a month ago and im obsessed, i suck but i try my hardest to get better, i have watched dozens of guide videos about lanes, warding, crashing, freezing the wave etc. And the one thing i learned was, to not stress it to much, i watched a lot of guides on the best champions i which lane, how to combo, and other stuff before i even played my first game, that’s way to complicated for a person who has never played the game, dont do what i did, just experiment, play what champions you think are the coolest, coolest design, coolest abilities whatever. Mute the chat and just have fun, try new lanes, just go ham.

  • AdeptYam5933B
    11 months ago

    All gaming communities are toxic. Its just that riots strategy to solve that problem is wrong.

  • GoatyGoYB
    11 months ago

    If you can convince one or more friends to start at the same time as you, then you’ll surely have way more fun. I would say to play normals (unranked, vs. humans) as soon as possible, as other than the very basic rules of the game, you won’t learn much vs bots.

  • WillieMeWonkaB
    11 months ago

    Yea no, run away. People only complain. League is not fun unless you play the champ over and over and over and over.

  • cI0udB
    11 months ago

    Play it with friends. If you don’t have any that play lol, join a discord group and play with others. The game is 10x more fun that way and all the negatives won’t get to you as much

  • SongsForTheDeftB
    11 months ago

    How do you know nothing about league but know it’s overwhelming to new players and very complex?

    Sounds like you would have to know something, to know that right?

  • NyankoMataB
    11 months ago

    It’s fine but if you don’t have a friend who plays with you and that you can vent about the rest of the team it can get hard on your mental depending on how much hate you can handle bc the beginners are probably the players with highest chance of getting hated on bc a lot of players don’t understand that new players exist and they choose to just get mad at you, in this case it’s wise to just mute the chat.

    Also another thing why it’s good to play with a friend is bc the learning curve at the beginning is pretty high-ish, the game has a lot of knowledge that you get exposed to. It can be fun but also overwhelming, with a friend you can help each other throughout the journey.

    Tip: pick a not too hard champion (best if their description shows easy, 1 bar) and focus on being able to play that champ first, u need to understand the mechanics of ur champ first and then u go with the rest, early on you dont wanna mix champs too often, first build some basic playing knowledge and how everything works.