I have one genuine question. Is it a good idea for new players, that have zero knowledge about League of Legends, to play the game? Because I’m one of those players. I’ve been thinking about playing the game even though I knew that the game was very complex and overwhelming for new players like me. It takes a lot of time to improve, understand, and get good at League for you to actually enjoy playing the game. I’m also aware that the community is pretty toxic. At least most of the community are. Because that’s what is always being depicted in the media. I’ve also heard that in low ranks, there are a lot of high rank players that creates their smurf account and dominates and destroys the low rank players, ruining their fun and motivation to continue playing the game. That’s why I’ve been thinking twice about playing the game. Do you guys have any tips to improve or have any idea whether playing the game as a complete beginner is a good idea or not? Thanks for reading!

  • WillieMeWonkaB
    11 months ago

    Yea no, run away. People only complain. League is not fun unless you play the champ over and over and over and over.