The changes meant to adress seraphine and make her a full time support while whatever happens to mid is meaningless and APC remains viable.

The results are uffed mid and APC and nearly the same support level champ. I don’t blame anyone on this because if we are want to be honest we all know this does not gona work out.

Seraphine is played in support because of her aesthetics. Her kit is barely even close to reflect the nature of a true enchanter besides W. Remove AoE heal and you no longer have a support-ish champion.

It could be just move speed increase and you would have a better Orianna for specific comps. Whatever. I mean forcing her to play in a role she was never meant to be is not healthy for the game and for the champion.

Nerfing utility and scaling while buffing base damage is something I can’t see to work out for any enchanter oriented champion honestly…which are resulted by better mid and APC roles.

Changes targeting specifically to make her better support are failing and I don’t see her support viability has been improved by the slightest.

It indicates to me that Seraphines kit just isn’t functioning as a support

I don’t get it really. Unless you give Sera heavy work or openly clip mid/APC wings she will never succeeed as support as much as it’s demanded…