I just played some games and basically they were all dragged out past 45 minutes. Every game followed roughly the same cycle.

Stomped lanes, destroy towers, hunt enemies. The games were set to be 23 min steamrolls, but the cutting waves and finding some extra farm in the side jungles kept the losing team in the game. Then the game is decided by one important teamfight and whether or not the players have buyback.

Is it too easy to find space on the map? Only the really hard stomps that combine good building damage (Pugna, Jakiro, Luna, WK) with steamrolling from an early lead quickly decides games.

Honestly, I really like this later portion of the game. I love being (almost) 6-slotted and finding good pickoffs, smokes and favourable fights on wards. It feels much more fun than 5v5 teamfights where whoever farmed the most likely comes out on top.

But, is there too much space to come back into the game?