I recently went all in on the home server / self hosted idea and swapped out my tp link router for a tiny pc running proxmox with all sorts of services installed. I also looked into upgrading my NAS but I don’t have the space for a full PC build (and honestly don’t need it enough to justify the cost).

So I was wondering if there was a way of abstracting my existing NAS to make it more modern. The NAS is a Buffalo Link station 220D with 2x 4TB Seagate Ironwolf drives in a RAID1 configuration. To be fair, it has just sat quietly doing it’s thing very reliably, but I have 3 issues with it:

  1. The management interface is old, slow and quite sad looking. I would like a nicer looking dashboard with more intuitive ways of managing users etc.

  2. It does have disk monitoring, but no alerting - the only way I might notice if something has gone wrong is if I carefully read the disk health section the 3 times/year I actually log in to the device. I would like a system to monitor the drives and flash up an alert on the homepage (using gethomepage.dev) if anything goes wrong.

  3. It shares via SMB2 which is a pain because everything assumes SMB3 and every time I want to add a device I have to Google how to specify the SMB version. I have mounted the drive within proxmox and I would like a service that can re-share the drive using a better protocol.

I’ve looked into custom firmware for the NAS but I couldn’t find any and besides I don’t want to risk the data that’s already on there. I’m not really sure what I’m searching for so I was hoping you might be able to come up with ideas for a good solution?


  • rmuk@feddit.uk
    10 months ago

    A bit of a late reply and sorry for that, but I have a collection of shitty old NAS devices that I’m using as a poor man’s SAN. Essentially, as long as they support iSCSI you can connect to the disks in the NAS directly from another computer running a more capable OS which can then use them like local drives.