genuinely curious as to why people choose that brand, are alternatives really that bad?

As I see it:

  • you pay for the hardware and software, which is fine, but
  • if you want to upgrade the OS, you have to pay once again, but this doesn’t work if your hardware model stops being supported. Why pay for something with a limited life expectancy?
  • you cannot get rid of bloatware, only hide it
  • software is made specifically to be only compatible within their ecosystem. If you want to build up on existing software and hardware, you either stay in their system and keep paying them or start anew with a freer alternative.
  • I find it ridiculous they use fancy names to name even their support staff instead of just calling it support staff. Why make things complicated?
  • I don’t understand why they use pentalobe screws instead or regular ones (with a line or a cross section)

Feel free to correct me, I may be misguided.

    6 months ago

    I have an iPhone, MacBook, and run Linux on a desktop pc. Only thing I have to add is that on iOS the only apps you can’t remove is phone, messages, settings, App Store, and safari which I wouldn’t consider bloatware. On macos I think u can remove pretty much anything using workarounds. Rn apples arm laptops are some of the most efficient on the market, iPads are pretty good tablets, and iPhones work great with both of those products.

    6 months ago

    I use a hand-me-down Macbook Pro 2012. It’s a fantastic piece of hardware. Especially after I nuked macos and installed Debian.

    6 months ago

    I use an iPhone because I need two things to just work, and my phone is one of those things. (The other is my car, but that isn’t super relevant here.)

    6 months ago

    I wanted to have an easier time when talking to girls and honestly I think it helped a bit

    6 months ago

    I use an Apple phone and laptop along with a Debian server and distro hopping laptop.

    The first benefit I get is social integration—I’m not looking for FOSS alternatives to some things because the mainstream source definitely runs on it (Adobe products primarily). Never underestimate the social utility of those blue bubbles—it tells a certain brand of person that you are part of their herd, and my family heavily falls into that group. Nobody ever bats an eye at my MacBook Air in public—people don’t see me for the 1337 hackerman that I am inside, and I like it that way sometimes.

    The second benefit is hardware support. Say what you will about the price of Apple Care, but knowing I can walk in to an Apple Store and walk out with a replacement is extremely useful in a pinch.

    Finally, I like the feel and look of their products, and there is a convenience in their ecosystem. You know what you’re getting with Apple, and it all works together out of the box. I could recreate their built in features with FOSS alternatives, but I simply don’t have to because it is already designed to work.

    With Apple you pay a lot up front and then nothing for the software over time—that is an easy budgeting calculation for me. I don’t have to worry about what card I choose or niche incompatibility, Apple already took care of that.

    I’ve flirted with fully transitioning to Linux many times, but I have always found a reason to keep one mainstream OS around, and Windows sucks. MacOS is a happy medium for power users who are comfortable with it and enjoy the UNIX family.

    6 months ago
    1. me liek fancy design sounds and airdrip
    2. in China, Android notification services are a hellhole and take up a ton of RAM
    3. not sure if android has notification summaries
    4. pretty good build quality

    if you want to upgrade the OS, you have to pay once again, but this doesn’t work if your hardware model stops being supported. Why pay for something with a limited life expectancy?

    upgrades are free and last for five years, which is enough for me since older versions get jailbreaks and after 5 years it probably lags on all the third-party apps

    you cannot get rid of bloatware, only hide it

    the only apps you can’t get rid of are app store, camera, messages, phone, photos, safari*, and settings, all of which are quite essential

    *outside of EU, every browser is a safari skin, so it’s what I use. inside EU, you can uninstall safari.

    software is made specifically to be only compatible within their ecosystem. If you want to build up on existing software and hardware, you either stay in their system and keep paying them or start anew with a freer alternative.

    true, but you can backup stuff (i.e. download everything) from icloud, which is where they store most of the valuable stuff. integration is what makes things powerful

    I find it ridiculous they use fancy names to name even their support staff instead of just calling it support staff. Why make things complicated?

    1. Their name is Apple Support. If you mean the Genius Bars… uhhhh marekting
    2. It’s not complicated, just say anything and people’d understand

    I don’t understand why they use pentalobe screws instead or regular ones (with a line or a cross section)

    1. ackshtually, phillips screws aren’t just a cross section
    2. to screw (hehe) with people i think. you know the drill
    6 months ago

    My work said I needed a phone, they only had iPhones, so I picked the 14 pro max thinking they would deny it but they didn’t, and they let me keep it when they laid me off.

    6 months ago

    Your first four points apply to Android as well. Your fifth point is just silly. Who cares what they call their support staff. Your last point is fine, but you can get around it by buying the right tool. If you’re not advocating for Linux phones, then you’re not advocating for the best solution. Android and iOS are both fucking garbage.