genuinely curious as to why people choose that brand, are alternatives really that bad?

As I see it:

  • you pay for the hardware and software, which is fine, but
  • if you want to upgrade the OS, you have to pay once again, but this doesn’t work if your hardware model stops being supported. Why pay for something with a limited life expectancy?
  • you cannot get rid of bloatware, only hide it
  • software is made specifically to be only compatible within their ecosystem. If you want to build up on existing software and hardware, you either stay in their system and keep paying them or start anew with a freer alternative.
  • I find it ridiculous they use fancy names to name even their support staff instead of just calling it support staff. Why make things complicated?
  • I don’t understand why they use pentalobe screws instead or regular ones (with a line or a cross section)

Feel free to correct me, I may be misguided.

    6 months ago
    1. me liek fancy design sounds and airdrip
    2. in China, Android notification services are a hellhole and take up a ton of RAM
    3. not sure if android has notification summaries
    4. pretty good build quality

    if you want to upgrade the OS, you have to pay once again, but this doesn’t work if your hardware model stops being supported. Why pay for something with a limited life expectancy?

    upgrades are free and last for five years, which is enough for me since older versions get jailbreaks and after 5 years it probably lags on all the third-party apps

    you cannot get rid of bloatware, only hide it

    the only apps you can’t get rid of are app store, camera, messages, phone, photos, safari*, and settings, all of which are quite essential

    *outside of EU, every browser is a safari skin, so it’s what I use. inside EU, you can uninstall safari.

    software is made specifically to be only compatible within their ecosystem. If you want to build up on existing software and hardware, you either stay in their system and keep paying them or start anew with a freer alternative.

    true, but you can backup stuff (i.e. download everything) from icloud, which is where they store most of the valuable stuff. integration is what makes things powerful

    I find it ridiculous they use fancy names to name even their support staff instead of just calling it support staff. Why make things complicated?

    1. Their name is Apple Support. If you mean the Genius Bars… uhhhh marekting
    2. It’s not complicated, just say anything and people’d understand

    I don’t understand why they use pentalobe screws instead or regular ones (with a line or a cross section)

    1. ackshtually, phillips screws aren’t just a cross section
    2. to screw (hehe) with people i think. you know the drill