I played literally a single Gwen game at some point, didn’t really enjoy it, but I learned that the thing under her health bar is her stacking her Q with auto attacks which makes her do more Q’s and it times out if she isn’t attacking anything.

Ever since, laning against her has become a lot simpler. I’m too lazy to do it, but I’m sure if I just played a single game of every champ I’d have similar revelations and rise up the ranks.

  • Moggy_B
    11 months ago

    I played my first time Fiora vs an ignite Volibear in top and absolutely shit on him. Like he would Q and E at the same time letting me parry him and easily solo kill him in lane. Was incredible how much my Q would auto aim my passive marks, genuinely felt like I was just Q’ing in his general direction to hit them.

    Also had a game I got shat on hard, can’t recall the enemy champ. However I was 1/6 got two items and got a quadra killl in a team fight. She scales so insanely hard I went from inting to solo carrying.