I played literally a single Gwen game at some point, didn’t really enjoy it, but I learned that the thing under her health bar is her stacking her Q with auto attacks which makes her do more Q’s and it times out if she isn’t attacking anything.
Ever since, laning against her has become a lot simpler. I’m too lazy to do it, but I’m sure if I just played a single game of every champ I’d have similar revelations and rise up the ranks.
Senna is SOOOO SQUISHY whenever I do anything I die! This champ is hard! She seemed so easy when my opponents played her!!!
***but I don’t play aggressive lane supports
Most kata players just spam random bullshit I’m pretty sure.
I first timed kata in aram and just pressed all my buttons randomly and got a pentakill.
Katarina. Used to be my perma ban because she was always dashing around, no CDs, always everywhere on the map and deleting teams with her R.
Until I played her and realised her dashes don’t entirely reset off daggers, and have a fair CD early even when she dashes to a dagger. Without your dash to gapclose you’re pretty much useless and really easy to bully. And her daggers are also a really predictable damage source. So you can either not go near daggers and she’s useless, or bait stand near a dagger and kill her when she dashes.
Viego is the most stupid easy champ and you don’t need hands for him since his kit has way too good stats. Also it’s not hard to kinda try to do some thing with every champ if your base champ can solo Penta teams after 1 item
Morgana’s Q isn’t point and click
Yone. Always thought he was fucking op and with e you can kill people across the map. Played him and I still think he is disgusting op. Cds are a joke
Nothing about a champion but I had a huge revelation that if you’re higher level than your lane opponent then your minions will also be a higher level with a buff increasing damage to enemy minions/reduction in damage from enemy minions. If you don’t believe me left click on a minion and check if it has a buff if you find yourself in this situation
If you’re trying to freeze or manage the wave then it’s helpful to know that you may be better off pushing!
i remember that patch but constantly forget it happened so now i randomly look at minion levels in matches to be reminded that’s a thing now lol
Twisted Fate does a lot of damage
Zoe’s Q range is really weird and KIND OF depends on your position
By playing kindred that i am good with ranged junglers. Came from jax and yi, stayed with kindred and now have almost 400k points
I played amumu and realised, wow. I can actually win with this champ
That Jax being able to build Zhonias is beyond optimal, it’s intended by riot…
Have you ever noticed how peole that are grinding elo are either playing jungle or playing toplane with Jax in their champion pool? Yeah, there’s a reason for that.
I hate playing against Jax. Ever since his mini-rework his abilities, his autos, his whole kit in general got stronger. To a point that Riot nefed his mana as a way of safety… Turns out when I played him in low diamond, it didn’t take any effort to carry games.
I mean, low diamond is quite easy since the introduction to emerald and how people of all skill levels are now blended in… but that does not diminishes the fact that playing Jax for the first time and winning 5 games in a row was easy. I couldn’t even ward + Q and I still win trades. Maybe it’s the fact that he can incorporate Zhonias into his 3rd buy… or maybe it’s because he’s busted with Sunderer.
Either way, he is broken beyond measure. He doesn’t need a nerf, he needs AP scaling removal.
When I first started playing, I was too nervous to play against real players so I would always "warm-up in coops vs ai. After a while, I started winning “too easily” so I decided that I would use that warm-up game to learn new champions. Everyday I would look at the free champion rotation and pick one that I had never played. I would gloss over the abilities then play a bot game with them. A couple years later and I had very basic knowledge of every champion. I was then able to follow along videos showcasing specific mechanics about a certain champion. I would say that today, I probably know about 80% of every champion’s specific interactions
How truly awful Kennen has it farming minions. Never mind if someone crashes a large unevenly damaged wave into you.
I never understood why I could never catch LeBlanc before she became my main. It would break my brain seeing her popping up back and forth around me, always out of reach.