I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that we’re not getting respect despite our record, or that Trevor is getting labeled as X or Y.

I’ve had some instinctive fan reactions to that shit, too. But I think if you really stop and look at it, being under the radar is so much more fun as a fan. Think about how obnoxious other fanbases start to seem when they go into every game planning to be pissed if they don’t absolutely dominate. They just feel relief when they win, because that’s what the team was expected to do and supposed to do all along.

Sure, I still hope we all get there as a fanbase eventually with this regime. I hope Trevor continues to get better every week and we’re eventually one of those obnoxious teams and fanbases who goes into every week thinking we shouldn’t just win, but we should dominate.

But maybe we can all cool our collective jets a little and enjoy this moment as a fanbase. We’re a team on the rise. We’ve got all the potential in the world. Most people outside Jacksonville don’t buy it yet and they probably shouldn’t. So for now, just go into every week thinking how cool it will be to see the Jags surprise people by winning. Think about how fun it’ll be if we turn that corner again after this bye week like we did last year. Except last year we were coming off a terrible losing streak and we came out like a team that knew how to squeak wins out of tight games.

This year, we started the season as the team that still knows how to find a win, no matter how messy the game gets. So what happens if we take another bye week leap? How cool will that be?

Anyway, just some thoughts to hopefully bounce around in a few skulls. Maybe a shift in perspective can help some of us find a little more enjoyment in this really cool point our team finds itself in. Just remember how much better this is than any point they’ve been at in recent memory. Even 2017 never really felt sustainable at the time, as fun as it was.