It’s interesting how the lack of indoor plumbing has come up separately in the last two seasons, firstly with Dempsey and now with Rob.

Both Dempsey and Rob want children, but don’t have indoor plumbing. I’ve seen lots of people mention how its delusional of Rob to want children when he doesn’t have indoor plumbing, but nobody do the same with Dempsey.

Now, I think most people would agree Rob is a douche and Dempsey is a saint, or at the very least a decent person because of their behaviour on the show.

But it’s interesting how most redditors will jump on Rob’s lack of indoor plumbing as a way to criticise him, and yet barely anyone used that against Dempsey.

I get it, Rob’s a douche, he needs humbling so people will throw whatever they can at him. But people are using indoor plumbing as some sort of benchmark for what a piece of shit he is, and not using the same metric with Dempsey. I feel like it’s just used as a shorthand to criticise everything else about Rob (that is definitely worth criticising).

I’m not saying its wrong. I’m just interested by this behaviour.

  • GatoradeNipplesB
    11 months ago

    I think it’s partly due to the reasons behind them not having a toilet being very different.

    Dempsey’s doing a whole homesteader hippie thing. Having to crap in the woods just fundamentally comes with the territory, there. Rob’s just broke and living in a shithole.

  • Chance-Estate-8787B
    11 months ago

    Also on board with the fact that Dempsey was not aware of statlers plans to move in, and was up front that her caravan was a work in progress and she would have to put in a whole water system… whereas The Knob knew that she was moving there permanently.

    Their relationships and goals also seem really different. Rob & sophie seem to want that influencer LA lifestyle, whereas Dempsey and statler have decided on the van lifestyle. They can still have kids with no plumbing in that lifestyle, they’re prepared for it in emergencies at the very least. Sophie wants different levels of comfort than Dempsey does, I could see her wanting her children to live off the land and be caravan-ing with their kids. Neither are wrong, but just different viewpoints.