So I’ve played ranked across a variety of games and more often than not you start at rock bottom and work your way up. Would this be unhealthy for league? Maybe you dont start in IronIV but all new accs start in Bronze II or something and then need to rank up normally from there. Would that be a good change or bad one in your opinion? I know rito wont change anything but just am interested.

  • wkurwionyczlowiekB
    1 year ago

    you fundamentally don’t understand how this works
    it would be hard to reach silver because it would be the new plat
    the change would be in name and color only
    if new player ends up placed in bronze 2 then you have to beat those new players ( from various skill level from iron 4 to plat or even dia - yes some players first start at playing normal games until they feel confident that they would be good and then hit ranked, most notable player that did that is faker, i’m sure you heard about him )
    so now it would be that you face players of today skill level of silver/gold in bronze 2, so players of today skill level of bronze 2 would drop into iron
    it will not magically only players of today skill level of bronze 2 move into bronze 2, every new player would start there ( and smurfs aren’t actually a big factor here, they climb super fast and actual good smurfs (dia2+) aren’t that often )
    when i started playing ranked first in season 3 i ended up in gold 1 barely playing ( so today high plat-emerald maybe ) not because i was smurf but because i had a lot of normal games
    and you would be surprised how many players think like that, get semi-good first then try rank pvp
    and then there is the other side of the coin where people try ranked on bought accounts and don’t even know how to buy items
    it would all move into b2 so now it’s the new standard normal mmr so reaching higher then b2 would be as hard as reaching higher than gold 4 today
    maybe you underestimate average new player skill
    it’s not today’s bronze 2, it’s today’s silver1-gold3
    basically where you throw new players at is the center average of the mmr system
    how you name it and what color you paint it is irrelevant