Started Spam Pinging at the start of the game because she decided to have no vision and died to a gank from the top laner, that was my bad. The second time Warwick disappeared i pinged they still walked up. When Warwick shoved in the wave and I was under tower they died again. 0 Vision placed started spam pinging then proceeded to type this.

Yes I did mute them, but it’s persons like this is why we can’t have nice things and why Riot is gonna keep on limiting communication. Because it’s so hard to be a decent human being.


  • PorkyMan12B
    11 months ago

    People like YOU are why Riot made the ping changes.

    Having the ability to literally silence 1 person for yourself for the rest of the game completely, with a press of 1 mouse click and less than 1 calorie and 1 second spent to do so yet you come here to cry and post about it.

    League of Legends playerbase ladies and gentlemen. (starts clapping)