Earlier this year I found this landscape photography youtube channel and I cannot recall the channel’s name. I distinctly remember watching a few of his videos where he would go out in his van and camp overnight in certain locations to get early morning shots. He had a video about photographing in fog and stuff.

He did mostly digital, I believe he used Fujifilm and Nikon equipment if it helps narrow it down. And I distinctly remember him selling annual calendars or photo books. And no he was not Nigel Danson, I checked. He sort of had Sean Tucker vibes but slightly more upbeat.

I remember him being British or something. He had a few videos about him doing a road trip to Sweden or Finland to buy a Fujifilm TX-1 film camera from a fan. I particularly enjoyed that video and wanted to re-watch it, but I can’t find it for the life of me. Did I just imagine this whole thing? I am losing my mind trying to find him.