So it all started in 2020 when I moved to other house because he insulted and beat me up, now he comes to that new house which isn’t far away and keeps doing the same thing, he beat me up today because I didn’t want to give him my phone. When I tell it to my mother she says we’re both bad and she will sell the house, please someone help me I don’t know what to do

    1 month ago

    The cops are unlikely to help you, wherever you are.

    Instead, try social services, or a domestic abuse charity, they will be significantly more sympathetic and could potentially offer you support, or at least tools to try and deal with this situation.

    The other thing is to protect yourself, go no contact or at least reduce it. It sounds from your short post that you are an adult and live in your own property - don’t let him in. If he has a key - change the locks. If he tries to break in then the police might help, try and gather as much evidence as you can (like a camera doorbell or other recording). Don’t answer any of his communication, if you can, block/delete him from all of your devices and social media. Personally, I would apply the same to your mother, that’s up to you, but it sounds like she’s at the very least enabling him, so isn’t looking out for your best interests, and you need to ask yourself if those are the kind of people you want in your life.

    Life is too short to hang on to toxic people who harm us in the hope that they might change. Being related doesn’t make them worthy of your time energy or love. If they do eventually regret their actions and want to apologise and try to make amends, you can let them, or you can choose not to, both are valid.

    Take care.

    1 month ago

    You should sell the house first, establish dominance.

    (No but seriously, listen to everybody else :)

    • Sas [she/her]
      1 month ago

      Been the younger sibling to an abusive 4 year older brother. Beating him up wasn’t an option as even small age differences are big regarding strength. All i could do was de-escalate, lock my room (and turn my key slightly because our rooms had the same key shape so he could just push my key out from the outside and unlock it) and hope he doesn’t still manage to get in there. I honestly have no advise for this to op :( My situation ended when my brother got drafted to the military for 2 years or so and when he was back he moved out.

        1 month ago

        I got all my bullies to stop by eventually snapping on them and going for a cheap shot.

        In elementary school there was an older guy who would always hit me / push me over - one day I put my knee up when he was diving onto me and got him right in the balls… he quit after that 🙂

        My more annoying step brother got punched in the face eventually, but we are the same age.