Also would Lion and Shaman see some play in TI ? Cause at the moment those heroes just get run over really fast cause your finger does a 1/5th of a hero’s life as damage and you die to 1 Chaos bolt.

Not to mention you can get reality rifted through your shard and sb or pretty much every other meta hero just laughts at lion or pretty much any int disabler heroes which were good a patch or 2 ago.

  • idontknow9091B
    11 months ago

    they should made every spell cast on illusion dealt 300% dmg. i mean look, how is my crystal maiden 1st spell 300 dmg deal any dmg to 3k hp naga siren illusion with 33% of her 250 attack dmg and rip tide?

    and we still dont talk about 3k hp PL with unlimited illusions aghs spears that he can dispel with his 2nd spell and goes invisible with his shard.