Not even true. This is a post I made about 7 months ago.\_ow2\_lobby/
Not even true. This is a post I made about 7 months ago.\_ow2\_lobby/
Better team answer exists for every situation. You can make it so ana doesn’t have to reload and heals 1200 life per bullet and she would still lose if she was in a worse team. Doesn’t mean anything.
The question is to figure out which is more important heals or support skills.
I had a decent streak of no smurfs and then suddenly almost overnight it seems. I have had what felt like an account getting boosted and smurfs. Valve certainly needs to increase the frequency at which they ban smurfs. Cause the guys who smurf seem to get back to their ways pretty fast.
This interaction happened at min 5 after centaur was able to get a kill on wd
ES winrate down the gutter. Leave my boy alone.
Bulba and rtz given yet another chance ! hopefully this time they perform super well!
For sure but I dont see many. And smurfs from what I have experienced often pick heroes like invoker , OD, Arc , tinker etc. at least on mid.
it is amazing how little people expect of a multi million or even a billion dollar company.
You dont see bear players everyday in a lot of brackets so it’s so easy to forget how annoying diffusal harpoon is on bear. You cant even do anyting and he pushes towers remarkably fast aswell.
What’s a good support to play against bear cause I was playing silencer vs ld recently and it did not end well for me.
3 dps and 1 tank yes, But enemy has 5 heroes. So it’s still a 4 v 5.