Bro just minmaxed hearing to lvl. 10.
The Eustachian tube goes between the middle ear and back of the throat and is there to equalize the air pressure in your middle ear. When you yawn or swallow it opens. That’s why yawning pops your ears when you’re in an airplane. Often children’s Eustachian tubes so not develope and they have chronic issues with fluid in the middle ear that can’t drain, so they will have “tubes” installed in their eardrum which allows fluid to drain out of the middle ear into the ear canal.
I currently haven’t been able to hear for 3 weeks because of trapped fluid due to some kind of sinus issue. The problem is that the snot gets thicker as it sits in there so it won’t drain out. Hopefully it resolves on it’s own, but I may have to have my eardrum sliced open and have it sucked out.
It shouldn’t always pop ?
Lots of people can pop their ears on demand by flexing the muscles that open the tube. Those muscles are the same ones that flex when yawning and sometimes when chewing.
If your ears are always popping, I don’t think that’s necessarily bad, but maybe you’re more susceptible to ear infections? If it’s not painful and has always been like that it’s probably fine, but mentioning it to your doctor next time you see them won’t hurt.
This is my superpower
Sho shatishfying