I have a couple. 1. soldier players are just call of duty players trying a different game

  1. Symetra ruins games

  2. Xenyatta is the best healer in the game

  • ncBadrockB
    11 months ago

    6v6 was shit because it created the longest lasting most boring stale metas. Some heroes had ultra low pick rates because they were incompatible with the composition.

    And without the mirror match almost unwinnable. The only people who liked that were the top 0.1%.

  • browsersinsidestoryB
    11 months ago

    Source: I main DVa, she was my first gold gun and is my most played hero period.

    Defense Matrix is the most unhealthy ability in Overwatch. More than whatever support is this subs villain of the week, more than one shots, more than any CC. Being able to block a theoretical infinite amount kf damage on no cooldown is not good design and really makes it impossible to balance DVa, or indeed to balance beam heroes since as much as the communitt has convinced themselves beam=automatic “0 skill”, an Overwatch without beams at all is one where a DVa with moderate game sense and training would be an unstoppable force.

    Sigmas succ and Orisas Javelin function similar to DVa, but are on explicit cooldowns. Baiting them out means they are gone for now. Id love to see DVas defense matrix put on cooldown (lets say, 5 seconds since its her only defensive tool unlike the other two) and let her get more power elsewhere in her kit as needed.