Just like what the previous posts predicted, LCK teams will be helping out T1 scrims even if it’s already off-season for them and are expected to have major roster changes due to the LCK salary cap and considering the Worlds run of the LCK seeds as not even the favorite GENG went to semifinals.

According to a reply tweet, the LCK teams are probably GENG, KDF and LSB, but no proof for this.

There’s also some questions being raised as scrimming with domestic teams could be ineffective since they are up against another region, LPL. However, scrimming with LPL teams has a risk since it would leave their strats vulnerable to being leaked. But the point of scrimming is to try out their strats, right?

This is probably the best scenario for T1 since they can scrim effectively unlike what happened last Worlds 2022. Their scrim partner for last year was DRX which ended up as their finals opponent since they were the only LCK team remaining. The rest of the LCK teams must have already gone home by then. Hopefully, we can have a great semifinals and letting T1 cook right now with the other LCK teams.

Tom: “Since we’re competing with other leagues, it was difficult but we decided to get help from the LCK teams. Several teams were willing to help. Rather than practicing with the LPL teams to prepare for semifinals & finals, we want to achieve our goals with the help of the LCK teams.” (translation provided by @jadetokky Tweet: https://twitter.com/jadetokky/status/1722444114002887090?t=QM_48cIl1F6fxE-ktdR7cw&s=19)

  • RDKiB
    11 months ago

    Props to Geng which is likely imploding.