Falcons Dota 2 Roster
- Skiter
- Malr1ine
- Cr1t
- Sneyking
Source: faceit.com/en/teams/ba1b57a5-1e31-4427-8228-3c6a12362a59
What is MENA region? Do they play with other Mena region players or what? If no, if they still play on EUW, then why? Same applies to Russians though (i’m always pro EUW+EUE=Whole EU integration).
Well damn, thats a cool roster.
ATF, Cr1t duo. It’s gonna be a juicy lane.
So Falcons = Saudi org playing in Saudi owned TO with free invites from Saudi backed region(MENA)?
Skitter + Sneyking(Tundra/Safelane), Malrine + ATF(creepwave union) and ATF + Crit(Offlane).
Roster Synergy might work. Shared limited hero pools (except Crit)
Who is Falcon’s coach?
This might actually be one of the most balanced superstar roster lol but also pain of not seeing Miracle SumaiL ATF trio. Reddit got baited so hard by SMACS and it was right
Rename the Roster to ‘Greed XXL’.
I dunno man. I used to like ATF as a player a lot. Not so much anymore. I think he is weak as an offlaner. Lord help them if the next patch brings back zoo meta.