I can be pissed at the patch and still be grateful that dota2 is owned and developed by valve.
I just played a few games. After reading the notes, I’d thought ok this could be fine.
But this patch is actually fucking garbage cos it literally did nothing.
Its the same fucking heroes again. Spectre every game. Her win rate believe it or not, went up in my bracket.
Same fucking WD every game.
Same fucking NP.
Same fucking blademail. Same fucking solar crest.
Gosh damn dude what a piece of shit patch. My god.
Weaver offlane with linkens against minimal lockdown/point target stun heroes is very legit.
Try it sometime.
Although I’m an unranked only frog so it’s a bit easier to own with weaver in those games.
As a fellow corporate worker who also does the bare minimum, communicates ambiguous timelines and hypes pointless shit - valve employees have my respect.
How is blademail untouched wtf
No item that is viable on 3/5 heroes every game should go untouched
But how will all the brain dead NP players play if the ability is vector targeted
This is Amy Santiago level detective work 👍🏼
There’s so many - riki, sven, pl, am, sniper, troll. So many.
Hey is it unreasonable to not know all dota mechanics? Like there are literally thousands of them. And yes till now I pretty much thought that wd will take bm damage cos why wouldn’t he. It makes no sense that he doesn’t.
I cant take one more month of SB man
Fyi CK was awesome in the last patch too. It just wasn’t picked often. The passive buff was absolutely not necessary but I’m not complaining. Free MMR go brrrrr
CK off
Treads, echo, heart, AC, echo split into bkb and mage slayer
Can confirm. Also ~12k and I’m so toxic in chat. I genuinely don’t know what these people are doing to be lower than 10k. I flame every game and I’m still always above 11.7k - wtf are they doing to drop below that.
I dunno man. I used to like ATF as a player a lot. Not so much anymore. I think he is weak as an offlaner. Lord help them if the next patch brings back zoo meta.
I want this hero to be nerfed down to hell. Fuckkkk spirit breaker. I hope when people play it in the next patch, it feels like they are wading through a marsh when they charge. Fucking hope stuns last twice as long cos sb gets a base -100% status res Nerf. Hope his ult gets a 10000 second cd. Fuck him and every one of you fucking try hard fuckers that plays him. Fuck you all to hell.
Why does radiant still have an advantage what the fuck it doesn’t make sense
Listen here you little shit