He’s just so vulnerable to almost every hero. Does anyone have any tips to improve my survivability?

Also, I play on console. Any tips for aiming? I struggle to consistently hit charged volleys.

  • DarkVenusaurB
    11 months ago

    Learn moira for when sombra and genji are all upons.

  • Andrew_957B
    11 months ago

    Zens hitbox is fucking huge, like easier to hit than junker queen… so you’re going to want to play corners as much as possible, stay close enough to your team so that they can peel for you, especially you’re other support, because without some heals or peels, zen just falls over. I haven’t played console in a while so I don’t have any specific sens or anything, but try tracking where you want to shoot your volley, like follow them, people tend to play like their volleys all shoot at once, but you can shoot them all in different directions, if you just volley in a straight line, you could only kill someone that’s just moving forward, but that’s not how you play OW, people strafe left and right, GV8F9 try this code, I’m not 100% it’s still active but it should be, and it should just help your aim.