I feel like the most common complaint from a fan about their head coach are the rotations.

“Why are you playing him instead him?”

“Rotations tonight are abysmal”

“This dude needs way less minutes”

Is there even a coach that has consistently ever given great rotations night in and night out? Or do you think your coach is always on it with that part of the game?

  • AnonymousIguana_B
    10 months ago

    Fans don’t know jack shit about rotations lol.

    People will be like “omg this bench rotation sucks put in XYZ” ignoring any consequences this would have on other lineups, minutes/stamina, plays the team practices, or how coaches should be experimenting in the regular season and 3 minutes is not a meaningful sample size.

    If someone is criticizing a coach for “rotations and adjustments”, they should provide an actual, thought-out solution. Otherwise its just ignorant complaining.

    Like, unless its some really weird starting lineup with 4 guards or something there’s usually a good reason for the decisions coaches make that you’re missing. There are so many more variables in play than just the 5 players on the court.