I don’t know if this is riven exclusive or it’s the same for more bruisers champs

used and still playing almost only Riven but the champ identity is different now , right now is try to cheese a kill on enemy top ( usually tank ) before first back … after first back ( assuming the enemy is decent ) there is no way to kill him if u didn’t manage to get a kill ,and I feel this is very similar to all fighters I play

now it’s time for plan B : Ignore all interaction with the tank until 2/3 games basically sion/singed type of gameplay , you only looking for farm or maybe sneaky roams until hydra+BC+Eclipse

if you managed to get those 3 and enemy comp is not very far a ahead is almost gg for them and it’s only getting worse for enemy with 4/5 items …

is all bruisers like this rn or it’s just a riven thing ? I remembers she used to be an early game snow ball champ rn she had decent early laning , very bad midgame ( if not ahead ) and very very strong late game ( 3 items + )

not complaining her actually having more success with this iteration just noting

for context , I almost play flex q only with friends and managed to peak D2 on 2 account last split ( master mmr )

is there is any Similar champs/bruisers ?

what tanks players opinion on this ?

  • kammos_B
    11 months ago

    Yes this is the same for most bruisers

    The thing is that anti-tank bruiser mythic/legendary items like Divine Sunderer and Black Cleaver are super-strong, so tanks are balanced with those items in mind

    But, because their components like sheen and warhammer don’t have much anti-tank properties you will struggle until you complete your first item or two

    Before first recall you might have advantage, but after the tank buys their first Ruby Crystal or two most bruisers struggle for a while