Although speeches/meetings can turn into just cliches, empty rhetoric, and platitudes…

Sometimes it’s needed. I think the players have to hold themselves accountable and Bron needs to be very vocal:

  • let Bron call “audibles” more often, as Ham isn’t always the best general for certain plays (putting it nicely here)
  • directly tell AR what to do and what not do (i.e. not just “be aggressive,” but how to flourish in his own lane)
  • Bron needs to give his input as to who should start
  • every player needs to express where their discomfort lies

Beyond that, a startling lineup change and a trade or two are needed. For the 100th time: this team is not deep and AR should not be the 3rd best player on a contending team (he’s more of a 6MOTY kind of player, partially due to his defensive weaknesses).

  • EvilGeniusGLB
    10 months ago

    While I like the idea, players only meetings rarely ever work.

    There’s usually a problem with the coaching staff and/or management that the players only have so much control over.

    LeBron can’t get on the court and run the show while completely ignoring the coaches game plan.

  • PokerPlayingRaccoonB
    10 months ago

    Player meetings are for when things are at like, defcon 1 levels of bad. Like the raiders calling a player meeting about McDaniels. As a raider fan I can say with 100 percent confidence we are nowhere near that level of bad lol

  • songs_dongsB
    10 months ago

    To your first point, I’m sorry to say but the entire offense is essentially an ‘audible’ to the “everyone clear out while whoever has the ball goes 1v1” play.

    And that’s the entirety of the offense. Things like off-ball screens, cutting, flare outs - all off-ball motion in general is not frequent and definitely not planned. Everything is improvised. Which means Ham just says “go hoop, whatever happens, happens.” That makes Ham more of a friendly counselor than a coach.