I’m a big fantasy fiction nut. TWOK by Sanderson has been recommended to me countless times. I really enjoyed part one, Kaladin and Shallan’s stories.

The interludes were really tough for me to even be interested in, and now in part 2 it’s just really boring me. Idk should I push through? The story telling of the first part was great and it sucked me in, part 2 is proving to be boring and tedious.

Any thoughts?

  • aladytestB
    11 months ago

    I think it’s totally fine to just not be into it.

    That being said, a lot of people enjoy Sanderson a lot, and if you happen to end up liking it, it’s a very rewarding series to get into because 1. there are a lot of books in the series 2. Sanderson is really good at churning out more books consistently.

    So like, if it was Rothfuss, maybe it’s not worth to try and push through, since even if you ended up enjoying the first book, you’ll end up stuck and disappointed after the second book anyway. With Sanderson, if you happen to “acquire” the taste, you can get a lot more out of it. That being said, if at some point it’s just clear you don’t like it, it’s still fine to give it up.