It’s crazy to me that this abomination of a mechanic exists in League. If you’re a casual player and pick Riven up because you think the champ looks cool, you’d literally be playing 80% of a real champion without even realizing it. You have to search up like 3 different Riven guides just to figure out what the fuck is going on with this Fast Q, then spend hours giving yourself carpal tunnel in practice tool just to not get outstatted by every other champ in the game because you have 50% lower attack speed than you should. And you haven’t even started learning the real combos!
Riven is such a cool character with so much potential with fun combos, mobility, and outplay potential. But she’s totally unplayable for 99% of the playerbase because gatekeepers want to feel superior because they click more.
As others have said, it helps newer/offrole players get into jungle more easily. But also, these champs aren’t super overwhelming or unfun to play against in jungle. Some jungle champs would be fine in lane, but some would also be pretty unfun if they were laners. Nidalee top would be really annoying, for example. Nocturne, Graves, Fiddle, Nunu have all seen play in lanes and been really uninteractive. A lot of junglers just statcheck laners, especially mid lane, and use their jungle clearing tools to instaclear waves and roam, which is not very fun.
Something like Sej top or Amumu support would be pretty fine.