I’m a big fantasy fiction nut. TWOK by Sanderson has been recommended to me countless times. I really enjoyed part one, Kaladin and Shallan’s stories.

The interludes were really tough for me to even be interested in, and now in part 2 it’s just really boring me. Idk should I push through? The story telling of the first part was great and it sucked me in, part 2 is proving to be boring and tedious.

Any thoughts?

  • AvauntB
    10 months ago

    If you’re struggling to keep reading, I would just skip or skim interludes. You can always circle back to them, and they don’t tie in directly enough in the first book to ruin the experience. I loved the books, but have always struggled with perspective shifts. They jar me out of the story every time.

    It’s not really possible in later books, but whenever I re-read the first book, I read straight through with either Kaladin or Shallan. Other fans will have opinions on this, but I don’t like jumping between perspectives when they don’t tie in yet.

    If you like the world and the story so far, I would try to finish the first book at least. Then judge from there I’d you want to continue. If you’re not into it though, you’re not into it.