I mean to straight up display to every player their exact, one, and only MMR stat. And that “divisions” are completely set in stone. Everyone with 500-800 MMR is this division. Everyone with 1000-1200 MMR is that division. Etc.
Then when you see Iron players match made with golds and silvers you’ll know that “actually their MMR is similar”.
This whole division between “hidden” MMR/ELO and your “shown” rank is just ridiculous.
Flatten and simplify this entire apparatus.
It’s simply because of season resets. MMR can’t reset, because you can’t have Faker all of a sudden playing vs McDonald’s Bob who was iron 4. Faker would have to spam thousands of games just to get where he ended previous season.
Or just as bad, no reset. Now your 500mmr end of split 1. You hover near 500mmr the next 30 years with little fluctuation. You simply wouldn’t keep playing.
Man I feel old
It used to, I wish we went back this system fucking sucks
Chess is a 1v1 game, league 5v5. But in soloQ we have no premade team and so the other 4 are randoms and these do have an effect on the outcome of the game.
That means there are possible luck/bad luck streaks that have an impact on your MMR without your impact.
To reduce these LP was added with a rubber banding effect. It allows for larger MMR movements without making RNG too much of an impact.
This was the original system heres an old picture - https://i1195.photobucket.com/albums/aa381/gunghogunwolf/ELoplatfinal.png
But from what i remember people complained about being hardstuck like they do now but then they said i start 1520 i end 1520 now you start gold 3 end gold 2 0 lp so looks like you improved you have not lol and your mmr is gold 4/. one full tier is improvement anything else is your the same.
Because every single person will eventually settle to their true rank, and start getting +5 and -6 and start freaking out when they dont magically climb made up divisions
because divisions/name ranks are cool and i like the pretty colors you get. it doesn’t matter nearly as much as you guys try to act like it does
you’re using logic… in league of legends… we don’t appreciatmitates you big thinkers around here.
It’s industry standard at this point to do LoL like ranking systems. I’m sure you’ve seen the “I finally hit gold/plat after playing for 5 years” posts. We also know that the requirements for those ranks became easier recently, but people are still so proud of them. None of those people would be excited if they just hit 600 MMR again this season.
It’s not too deep, if Riot is hiding MMR, they are doing it for their own good or that’s what the general public wants. Probably both.
This hidden MMR/ELO thing feels scummy and deceitful. Shows what kind of people made it that way.