Half life 1 is free. 90% off bundle for a bunch of other half life stuff. Spent like $6 for all half life 2 plus the source stuff they have
Half life 1 is free. 90% off bundle for a bunch of other half life stuff. Spent like $6 for all half life 2 plus the source stuff they have
I have gotten 2 maybe 3 so far this year. I always report it and it makes me wonder if those people are penalized
darius aka original draven/before his current passive where draven had crit to bleed or some thing.
best friend passive sucks ass. your adc is a shitter? welp that sucks good luck since your other teammates are gonna whine they need to hit 16 while wondering why you didn’t switch sooner to get passive on them. i have seen this repeatedly. if there was a stack limit it wouldn’t be so bad but nah 150 farm into the game needing to switch is miserable lmao
the heal on passive is alright. the heal itself kinda sucks. having to hit an enemy can be annoying. healing both of you is nice though.
q aiming is an improvement over previous q. now you’re not having your aim tethered to your ally nearly as much.
w the bonus healing sounds nice but really doesn’t do much. the on hit is cool and all but that plays back into issues of your adc falling behind it’s useless plus if your adc is a spell slinger rather than an AA based one (ez ecluded because q is an AA) they’re not procing heals from it anyways.
e i personally like the shield. it’s a decent size. not the worst cooldown. gives mana like raka’s old e. a little cost intensive but eh.
ult i only really like with moonstone otherwise the heal on ult sucks to me.
either they need a slightly lower passive cd for the heal or some way to reduce the cooldown yourself. possibly need to buff a ratio some where.
pretty good way of viewing it
you’re using logic… in league of legends… we don’t appreciatmitates you big thinkers around here.
they just kinda randomly added it in 1 patch and that was it. 0 effort after that to really ever point it out to anyone so you just kinda have to know it now.
i remember that patch but constantly forget it happened so now i randomly look at minion levels in matches to be reminded that’s a thing now lol
sister friede and father ariandel. WHY THE FUCK IS IT 3 PHASES???