who in your opinion had the most tragic/heartbreaking story in the show? for me, top contenders are definitely honey sugarman, sarah lynn, or beatrice.

sorry if this has been asked already, i’m just curious about what you guys think & couldn’t find another discussion about this in the subreddit.

  • jaromir39B
    10 months ago

    One story that I found heartbreaking but not as tragic as most of the other plot lines: Princess Carolyn realizing that Bojack was indeed the love of her life and that she cannot let him fall. And most of us never get more than one love of our life, and BoJack was hers.

    Heartbreaking, yes. Tragic, a little.

    Unpopular opinion: I assume that this sub sees the relationship between Bojack and PC as toxic because both of them are seen as “toxic” in their own way. But PC is not toxic. She knows what she wants, and always knew what she wanted. She is honest to herself to an extent that other characters are not. And she fell for BoJack and truly loved him, not because she wanted to help him, but because of genuine love.

  • Economy_Day5410B
    10 months ago

    Bojack, Beatrice, or Sarah Lynn. They all had just awful childhoods

  • TeaWonderful4412B
    10 months ago

    I want to say Honey is my number one contender as well.

    But the most underrated backstory has to be PC for me. Her mother is such an over looked character in the show, the fact that she blamed PC for loosing her “one chance” during her first miscarriage is so toxic (especially when she was only a kid). Another one is when she gave PC shit for wanting to go to California for secondary education. That women (cat?) practically depended on PC after all her children left. And that’s just her post California life! It was so fulfilling seeing her have Ruthy after all the trials and tribulations she went through. The fact that she wanted a family so bad and was infertile was so sad and heartbreaking. One of my biggest fears.