Every year, he dominates domestically.

Every year, he shows that he is laning personified.

Every year, he has shows that nobody, and I mean nobody can out-cs him

Every year, he shows that he has some of the greatest mechanics in the world

Teamfighting. S tier.

Vision control and flanking. S tier.

Beating up Faker. His hobby. S tier.

His aura. S tier.

It’s like Chovy’s entire existence is to beat up T1 and that’s it.

I am disillusioned after 5 years at this point.

  • viktorayyB
    11 months ago

    IIRC in JLXP, Jatt says his forward% is 13 total this worlds, meaning he doesn’t exert enough pressure to make a difference early on in the game. He’s supposed to be the carry. GenG is straight up built around him, so he really needs to step up and show some international results.