For me, it’s Graves.
I feel like it bring nothing to the team. He is annoying the first 5 min of the game as a solo laner but that’s it. His damage feels meh, he isn’t very tanky, low range and little utility with the smoke screen.
I never see him win and feels like a ward with a dash and blind.
I find graves pretty good, mained him for a short while. His ganks are subpar but his clear speed is so good and after three items you’re an assassin
For me I gotta say Draven. I’ve been an ADC main most of my time in LoL and even one tricked Draven for like 2 seasons but recently whenever I play him I really don’t feel like a lane bully. Always against a double Exh Ezreal Senna who hug turret for 15 mins as my my other lanes lose and if I dare try harass under turret the jungler is there in a flash.
He’s one of those champions that other teams really build around too. I feel like 50% of my Draven games I’m against a Vi or Rammus Jungle.