For me, it’s Graves.
I feel like it bring nothing to the team. He is annoying the first 5 min of the game as a solo laner but that’s it. His damage feels meh, he isn’t very tanky, low range and little utility with the smoke screen.
I never see him win and feels like a ward with a dash and blind.
I’m only diamond but every bard I see is basically a guaranteed loss. I hear he’s better in Proplay (although almost never picked) and Apex tiers due to teams knowing how to use his portals to more rapidly rotate/collapse on ganks.
Only 1 correct answer to this question: malphite
Why are u laning graves
An Orianna that doesn’t snowball.
When Graves gets 6 and your botlane starts a fight. If 1 of them is low enough, he just needs to hit that R and their dead. He has a lot of nasty fucking gank potential especially under tower when diving. The smoke is so annoying bro you just don’t know, the good players know how to bounce that shit.
As much as I love her, Renata Glasc. Her kit feels like has far too much downtime where you do nothing, and what she’s able to do doesn’t feel impactful enough. She’s an ult bot, and even then, the enemy team can completely build to dampen her ultimate. She’s got a great characterization, and landing her ult is fun, but the rest of her kit just feels like you wait too long to do nothing.
Hey his smokescreen in no joke. Unironically one of the most game warping abillities especially in a chaotic teamfight
Lux. A very old mage, I do not like her feel. Oh, and I also miss everything.
Lee sin in my team.
Absolutely Bel’Veth
Whenever she’s on my team she thinks shes a farming jungler like Yi, does nothing for 10 minutes, gets picked off and falls behind because they take fights they cant win, then is made of paper lategame because no one can itemise her for shit
I main jhin and if I don’t get ahead by lvl 6 I’m useless the whole game
Graves can solo carry games so idk what youre tripping on…
Easily Nidalee unless you have a challenger Smurf on your team.
I find graves pretty good, mained him for a short while. His ganks are subpar but his clear speed is so good and after three items you’re an assassin
For me I gotta say Draven. I’ve been an ADC main most of my time in LoL and even one tricked Draven for like 2 seasons but recently whenever I play him I really don’t feel like a lane bully. Always against a double Exh Ezreal Senna who hug turret for 15 mins as my my other lanes lose and if I dare try harass under turret the jungler is there in a flash.
He’s one of those champions that other teams really build around too. I feel like 50% of my Draven games I’m against a Vi or Rammus Jungle.