Recently got my deck and have never used other OS’s aside from windows. Now, my prof made us do a comparative analysis of any two operating system which got me thinking “Hey, might as well use the deck to compare as an introduction to linux”

Now here’s the problem, i tried to find a benchmarking software to measure its performance (just for general use i.e web browsing, watching video or office suits like libreOffice) that is easy to install and compatible for both OS’s which led me to use PCMark demo, since its already on steam and its free. Tried it first with windows, which of course worked. But it seems like its not working on the deck since i mostly get scores of 0 on all criteria with no system info.

I’m currently looking for another alternative but i dont know how to install some of them if they are not on discover or if they even will work.

  • AlfieHicksB
    11 months ago

    You could try in-game benchmarks, maybe? But I don’t really see how hardware benchmarking is a particularly relevant point of comparison between operating systems, though - especially as, from the way you worded it, it sounds like you’re comparing the Deck to a separate PC; is that right? If so, then you’re not really comparing operating systems at that point.

    I’d sooner focus on comparing user accessibility, ease of use, legacy software support, reliability, user configurability, interface design, etc

    • ReeeejiroOPB
      10 months ago

      yep, you are correct. I’m benchmarking since its also part of the criteria. If there’s no other alternatives i can use, i’'ll resort to in-game benchmarks. Other things you mentioned is already WIP except for legacy software support, i didnt think about that.

      Thank you for your suggestions!